Become a Pharmacy Technician and Join the Booming Health Care Industry

The health care industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in the U.S. for almost two decades, and there is no sign of a slowdown. When you consider demographic factors such as the baby boomer generation continuing to age, and the Affordable Care Act is projected to give nearly 20 million Americans access to the health care system, together with the fact that pharmaceutical industry is constantly developing new and more effective medications, continued growth in the health care industry is a given.Positions for pharmacy technicians are expected to increase by 32 percent between 2010 and 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This means that around 100,000 new jobs will be added by 2020 to the 350,000 already employed as pharmacy techs in 2012.Pharmacy Technician TrainingA high school diploma is generally required to become a pharmacy technician, and employers typically prefer candidates with some post-secondary education, ideally a pharmacy technician certificate. A few employers will hire inexperienced persons and train on the job, but most pharmacists prefer to hire pharmacy techs who have already been through a formal training program.The training programs can be found at vocational schools and community colleges, many with online education options. These programs typically take six to 12 months and include classes in the math used in pharmacies, recordkeeping and bookkeeping, dispensing medications, sanitation and safety, as well as pharmacy law. The technicians are required to learn the names, actions, uses and doses of common medications.Certification and LicensingCertification is attestation to your skills and knowledge in pharmacy technology by an independent third party organization. Two national organizations offer pharmacy tech certification: The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the National Healthcareer Association. Both certifications require graduating from an accredited training program and passing a comprehensive exam covering all aspects of pharmacy technology.Nearly all states require some form of licensing or registration for pharmacy technicians. A few states just require a high school diploma and a background check for registration; other states require graduation from a formal training program, a background check and passing a comprehensive exam to become licensed as a pharmacy tech.Pharmacy Tech Pay and ProspectsThe BLS reports that pharmacy technicians earned a median salary of $29,320 in 2012. Those employed at outpatient care centers earned the most, taking home an average salary of $38,750 in 2012. Those, who work in doctor’s offices and at college and university health centers are also on the high end of the pay scale, both averaging around $37,000. Techs working for department stores are at the lower end of the salary scale, only averaging $27,750 in 2012.The sky is the limit in terms of career advancement for pharmacy techs. Given the great demand for pharmacy techs, pharmacists are going to be looking out for up-and-comers to promote to more responsible position. Some technicians enjoy working in the industry so much they decide to go back to school to become a pharmacist. Earning your Pharm.D.would likely requires at least an additional five to six years of education, but your reward is a tripling of your earning power (pharmacist median salary of $116,670 in 2012).

Dry Skin Care – Tips to Improve Your Dry Skin

Like regular basic good skin care, dry skin care must be performed on a daily basis. Proper cleansing, toning, and moisturizing practices should become as natural and routine to your day as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, working and getting plenty of rest.Dry skin results from a low level of skin oil, or sebum.This condition can be inherited but numerous other factors can interfere with the production of sebum. Extreme temperatures, wind, and air-conditioning can exacerbate the condition, causing the skin to feel tight, or to chap or crack. Smoking, cosmetics, chemicals, environmental pollution and high stress compromise dry skin and cause the skin to appear dull and to wrinkle, particularly around the eyes and mouth. All the more reason to practice smart dry skin care.Skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and seborrhea, as well as certain drugs (e.g., antihistamines, antispasmodics, and diuretics) can also cause dry skin. Treating these disorders and avoiding these drugs will help improve your dry skin condition.Avoid that which will make you unhealthy on the inside and reduce your chances of developing unhealthy skin. Can’t imagine getting through a day without a cigarette? Then imagine having dry, wrinkled skin that makes you look 20-30 years older than you are. Is that an incentive to stop smoking and regularly practice dry skin care?We’re not saying change is easy. But change, in the long run, may be the best thing that ever happened to you. Proper good skin care, in general, and dry skin care, in particular, are certainly within the reach of anyone concerned about the health and look of their skin. Think of how you want to look and feel in 6 months, a year, two years. You absolutely can improve how you look and feel within a short period of time. Why not make the decision to help yourself attain better skin.Oh, I almost forgot, one more thing you have to give up, if you want to enjoy healthy skin. This applies not only to people with dry skin, but to anyone who wants to have clear, beautiful skin. Your skin’s number one enemy is the sun. Sun worshippers (me included), accept that as a fact. And the number one rule of dry skin care follows: PROTECT YOUR SKIN FROM THE SUN!As much as many of us love the sun, and love to bake in it, and walk and play in it, and love how it bronzes our skin and makes us feel healthy and limber and sexy and carefree, make no mistake, the sun can kill you, if you let it.This is no knock on the sun, believe me. The sun gives life and provides us essential vitamin D, but the sun can also inflict irreversible damage to our skin, causing it to age prematurely, to dry and wrinkle and sag, and more alarmingly, to develop precancerous moles and sun spots and carcinomas, and cancerous melanomas.So as much as we love the sun, we have to interact with it in a smart way. Click on Good Skin Care: 14 Ways to Improve Your Skin for more information about protecting yourself from the harmful effects of too much sun exposure.Here are a few solid dry skin care tips to heed:In winter, when the air’s humidity is lower, your skin dries out faster. Keep that in mind when you choose a moisturizer. Use a stronger moisturizer in the winter and a lighter moisturizer in the summer, when the humidity is higher.
As we age our skin becomes thinner and drier. As a result our skin is more prone to damage in the form of cuts and cracking. Be especially careful when handling tools and utensils, and when coming into contact with harsh or abrasive surfaces or objects.
Exercise regularly to increase blood circulation, which helps to nourish your skin and cleanse it from within.
Dry skin care no-brainer: drink plenty of clean water to improve skin hydration. At least 2 quarts every day.
Clean your skin carefully. Because dry skin is more easily damaged than oily or normal skin, practice good, safe cleansing to prevent dead skin cells mixing with dirt and grime and leading to infection.
Avoid excessive washing, especially with hot water, which evaporates more rapidly than tepid or lukewarm water. Too much contact with water will remove natural oils and moisture from the skin and encourage further drying. People with dry skin, especially the elderly, should avoid bathing or showering with hot water.
Keep your baths or showers to less than 15 minutes to avoid the loss of natural oils that help retain your skin’s moisture.
Avoid commercial soaps that dry out the skin. Choose a natural moisturizing soap that has a neutral ph value.
Great dry skin care technique: after showering lightly apply virgin coconut oil to your face and massage gently to get your blood circulating and to refresh your face.
Avoid cold cleansing creams, which are made from hydrogenated oils. These oils actually dry out the skin and lead to wrinkles. Try instead patting virgin coconut oil or pure olive oil on your skin to cleanse it. Wash off with tepid or warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
Always moisturize your skin – face, neck, body – after your bath or shower. Moisturize your hands after washing them.
Take evening primrose oil supplements to strengthen your skin and increase your skin’s moisture content. * Get plenty of sleep to allow the skin to repair itself at the cellular level.
For some great ways to improve the look and feel of your dry skin using simple, inexpensive products you can purchase at you local food market or grocery store.There is no mystery to proper dry skin care. First, make the decision to practice regular and consistent good skin care. That may mean giving up something (something that is probably bad for you anyway), or taking whatever measures are necessary to promote your overall physical and mental health and the health and appearance of your skin. Once you’ve committed to making your skin look and feel great, use common sense. Keep in mind the guidance and tips provided above for practicing proper dry skin care, and enjoy healthy better skin for the rest of your life!

8 Keys to Proper Diet and Nutrition

There are a few misconceptions about diet and nutrition. I don’t typically like the word diet since many associate it with specific eating habits that are followed for a period of time and then you get off the diet. Nutrition on the other hand is something that we all know is important, but it just seems a fancy word that takes itself too seriously. In the end nutrition seemed to be a better description of what I wanted to explore, so here are some basic guidelines for any general diet and nutrition plan.A healthy body is similar to a finely-tuned car. And there is nothing better than keeping the body tuned than following a balanced diet and nutrition program. This does not have to be restrictive; it should just follow some basic guidelines. The body needs food as its fuel and lifestyle, exercise and mental attitude as its regular maintenance for it to achieve its health potential. This explains the relation between health, diet and nutrition. Putting in the wrong fuel or forsaking the right fuel will prevent your body from delivering its power and best performance. Nothing is more important than proper diet and nutrition because without it, the body engine will splutter, cough and eventually stall. However, when following a balanced diet and nutrition, you can benefit from:
Added vitality and energy
Obtaining the weight that’s ideal for you
Stronger and more powerful immune system
Improved overall body performance
Delayed effects of aging
Being fit and active
Lessened fatigue and tiredness
Healthy teeth and gums
Enhanced ability for concentration
Total health which means less risks for diseases
How can you achieve proper diet and nutrition?Basically, proper diet and nutrition can be achieved from following the simple guidelines outlined below. A well-balanced diet and nutrition program includes:1. Low fat
Almost all nutritionists and health experts agree that cutting down on fats from butter, cream, fried foods, oils and margarine is the best way to reduce weight and make your modern diet and nutrition healthier. This is also particularly important for a healthy heart.2. Moderate Carbohydrates
Because many people have gone weight-conscious, they have forgotten the importance of rice, potatoes, pasta, cereals and bread to their health. Carbohydrates are important for vitality and energy so if you want to energize your body, take in foods that are rich in good quality carbohydrates.3. High Fiber
Fiber is the large indigestible part of the food that you take in everyday. It doesn’t only get you chewing, it also keeps the inner part of your body moving smoothly, helps prevent bowel cancer and gallstones, helps lower cholesterol, and keeps your weight in check. Grain breads and whole wheat are good sources of fiber.4. Vitamins and Minerals
Fruits, vegetables and grains are abundant with vitamins and minerals as well as with other natural substances that functions as antioxidants. These foods help the body fight the free radicals that you get from bad foods and pollutants that could damage membranes, and cells.5. Eat Variety of Foods
Eating a variety of foods will help you get all the nutrients your body needs. Try having a meal with foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and you get all the good nutrients your body deserves. Each meal should contain food from all 3 macro nutrient groups.6. Limit Consumption of Sugar and Sweets
Sugar can help you stay active and on the go however, when taken excessively, adds unwanted kilojoules in your body and can displace and dispose other important foods especially in kids. Excessive intake of sugar and sweets may also cause tooth decay and other dental problems.7. Limit Consumption of Salt
The usual diet and nutrition program is laden with salt. While most people think that salt is a good flavoring for all foods, it actually masks the real flavor of the food you are eating. Not only that! Many packaged and prepared meals have high levels of sodium that is bad for your health so it is very important that you buy fresh produce. When buying packaged food, look for labels with no-added-salts or foods with reduced amount of sodium. One other alternative is to switch to sea salt for food preparation.8. Increase Intake of Fluid
Two liters or eight glasses of water is needed to keep your body hydrated as well as to keep your kidneys and other organs working efficiently. Don’t be fooled by fruit juices, energy drinks, or alcohol! Many of these drinks add calories that people ignore in their daily consumption and drinks like coffee and alcohol actually dehydrate the body. They are not considered helpful fluid because they act as diuretics that force your kidneys to excrete more fluid. Water is your best choice, so stick to it.Summary
Proper diet and nutrition is rather easy to achieve. Just incorporate the above mentioned foods in your daily diet and nutrition program. Enjoy the food you eat and take your time to appreciate them and for sure, you’ll be healthier than ever!